Monday, September 26, 2011


いま、にほんごのしゅくだいをしています。It is fun.
Today we learned how to describe a store's business hours with から and まで. I think this phrase will be very useful and I am excited to use it.

Recently in Japanese class we have learned many different counters ( It is difficult for me to remember the special exceptions and rules for each set of numbers. There are so many! かい、がい、くじ、じゅっぷん、はっさい、ひゃく、びゃく、ぴゃく - and those are only the beginning of a long list. I hope that as we use them more they will feel more natural. Maybe it will just take a lot of studying~


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Why Japanese?

In middle school, I had a few friends whose families are from Japan. They often spoke in Japanese around me and I could never understand...So I decided to take Japanese in high school. After studying Japanese in high school, I wanted to continue learning the language in college. I love learning about Japanese culture, food, Miyazaki movies, and so many other features that make Japan a unique country. I have never been able to speak another language; college seems to be the perfect time to learn. I have not been to Japan but hope to visit some time soon. Even though I studied Japanese for a few years, I have a hard time remembering vocabulary and grammar structures. So far our class has learned about sixty words and we have only had class for one and a half weeks! I can't wait to see how much we know by the end of the year.


はじめまして。私(わたし)は タッカーです。ボストンからきまして、アメリカ人(じん)です。十九(じゅうきゅう)さいです。ことし、コランビア大学(だいがく)で一年生(いちねんせい)です。日本語(にほんご)が大好き(だいすき)ですね! どうぞよろしく。