Monday, September 26, 2011


いま、にほんごのしゅくだいをしています。It is fun.
Today we learned how to describe a store's business hours with から and まで. I think this phrase will be very useful and I am excited to use it.

Recently in Japanese class we have learned many different counters ( It is difficult for me to remember the special exceptions and rules for each set of numbers. There are so many! かい、がい、くじ、じゅっぷん、はっさい、ひゃく、びゃく、ぴゃく - and those are only the beginning of a long list. I hope that as we use them more they will feel more natural. Maybe it will just take a lot of studying~



  1. Yes, there are so many counters in Japanese, and they do get complicated. I guess it will just take lots of practice and lots of making mistakes but don't get discouraged! がんばってください!- yurika

  2. The counters are getting a little overwhelming, and I think we have only just begun to learn them! I think they will feel more natural the more we practice them in class though. we can do it!!

  3. There are these little quirks in every language - just imagine all the trouble we had to go through learning the annoying grammatical structures in English in elementary school even though we knew how to speak perfect English! Keep working hard and one day all these things will come naturally :)

  4. I find all the counters so annoying. Looking at the appendix in the back of the book with all the different lists of counters is really disheartening. I know for sure that I will have to study extra hard for all of those!

  5. The numbers have been especially hard for me too! I was just getting used to counting to 100, and now with the dates I feel pretty lost. Hopefully it will all start to connect soon though!

  6. I totally agree with you! Also we started learning about time and the minutes especially just boggle me. Like every other number is ふん or ぷん. Maybe if we practice enough it'll just come naturally, like it'll just somehow sound right. Ah well, here's to wishful thinking!
