Wednesday, February 15, 2012

About Communication

From this pod-casting project, I expect and hope to learn about aspects of Japanese culture that we do not study in the classroom. Also, by working in groups, communication is essential. We will learn what is important to other people, helping us to gain a new perspective of each other and of Japan. Everyone brings something different to the table, and this is our chance to find out what that is!
Communication, in my opinion, is what makes life vital. It takes the forms of language, media, music, literature, and so much more. In this case, it is a podcast. We are sharing Japanese culture from the perspective of American students, which is somewhat unique.


  1. I also agree that making a podcast is a good way to practice our Japanese and learn to effectively communicate in it

  2. Thank you for your opinion on intra-group communication. Never thought about that before.
