Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Why katakana?

In the first haiku, I wrote ”アメジャナイ" in katakana to emphasize that there was no rain. How can there be so many sakura trees with no rain? Sometimes things cannot be explained. Life is full of wonders that only nature knows the answers to.

In the second haiku, "イソガシー" is written in katakana because it is telling why the beautiful city cannot be appreciated. A busy schedule is an unfortunate but necessary part of our lives as college students. Hopefully we can all find a moment to pause and soak in the beauty and uniqueness of New York City.

In the story about Koukichan, I wrote "ドーシテ" to exaggerate the question of why there is chocolate in Kouki's hand. I hope it makes readers anticipate a negative outcome for Kouki while keeping the tone of the story not serious. At the end, "サンネンデスネ" is also in katakana. When I read it, I imagine shaking my head at the silly mistakes of youth.

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